Melbourne Criminal Lawyers - Criminal Defence Lawyers Melbourne - Defense Lawyers - Ondrik Larsen Lawyers

Languages We Speak:


Our criminal lawyers represent clients from all cultural backgrounds, and we have access to interpreters and translators for our clients, across all nationalities and languages, for example Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, Italian, Greek, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian etc.

We also have an on-site criminal lawyer who speaks Serbo-Croatian.

Ondrik Larsen Lawyers - Criminal Lawyers Melbourne - Vietnamese

Need to speak to a criminal lawyer? Contact Ondrik Larsen Lawyers today!

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**CORONAVIRUS UPDATE** Our firm is continuing to operate as usual during these unprecedented times. At this stage, the courts in Victoria are still operating for certain criminal matters, Intervention Order matters, and custodial matters including bail applications. If you or a loved one have been charged with a criminal offence and/or need legal assistance in relation to Intervention Order proceedings, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We have implemented safe distancing measures and are able to conduct video/phone conferencing during this difficult time.

The fires ravaging Victoria and NSW are absolutely devastating! Not only have people lost their homes but thousands and thousands of wildlife have lost theirs too and are seriously injured (of those that are lucky to have survived). Please, if you can, donate to help support our wildlife shelters...

Hi all! The beginning of the new year brings new exciting times for us! We’re moving - but not far! Our new address beginning in early January will be: GROUND FLOOR, 541 KING STREET WEST MELBOURNE 3000.

And just like that...another Christmas is upon us! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and holiday season! May the festivities bring you and your families much happiness, good food and great company!