To find out how to get personal property such as clothing to someone you know in custody, how to deposit money into their account, or for information on how and when you can visit, please contact the relevant prison facilities below:

Melbourne Custody Centre: ph: 03 9628 7888

Barwon Prison: ph: 03 5220 8222

Beechworth Correctional Centre: ph: 03 5728 0055

Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (Women only): ph: 03 9217 8400

Dhurringile Prison: ph: 03 5824 8800

Fulham Correctional Centre: ph: 03 5142 3800

Hopkins Correctional Centre: ph: 03 4309 3333

Langi Kal Kal Prison: ph: 03 5349 4900

Loddon Prison Precinct (Middleton): ph: 03 5471 1211

Marngoneet Correctional Centre: ph: 03 5282 0600

Melbourne Assessment Prison: ph: 03 9321 4111

Metropolitan Remand Centre: ph: 03 9217 7777

Port Phillip Prison: ph: 03 9217 7200

Tarrengower Prison (Women only): ph: 03 5479 8200

Or click on the following link: Prisons | Corrections Victoria

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